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Are Insecurities Damaging your Relationship? Think no more!

You might remember getting jealous of that new kid in class who has everything you’ve ever wanted. She looks pretty and has the most amazing outfits. You find yourself comparing her to you and feel bad about yourself. Such feelings of jealousy and insecurities are quite common. But when you have or project them against somebody in your personal life, things can get really toxic. The quality of your relationship can get worse leading to poor mental health.

If you are looking for relationship counseling, we are glad to let you know that you are in safe hands.

Wownow counseling center offers you help through therapy to solve issues regarding insecurities and anxiety in relationships. We also offer depression counseling if you struggle to be mentally okay in your relationship.

Let us first understand the different types of insecurities in relationships, and how you can deal with them.

Different Types of Insecurities in Relationships

1. Attachment Insecurity

Just like how it sounds, attachment security happens when you have issues related to attachment to your partner. You are afraid of being too close or attached to somebody. This is because you do not want to deal with the heartbreak that follows when they leave you.

You can end up being an obsessive or clingy partner which can deteriorate the quality of your relationship

It is better to leave your partner or avoid getting attached to them before they tell you that they no longer want to be in a relationship with you.

2. Emotional Insecurity

Do you find it difficult to communicate your feelings and thoughts to your partner?  Do you find yourself being dubious about being right or wrong? It most probably means you are emotionally insecure.

Emotional insecurity comes from a place of being unsure of one’s own feelings. You constantly doubt yourself and worry if you are right at all times.

This can make you uncomfortable expressing yourself to your partner. Encourage healthy and effective communication in relationships and spend time introspecting to understand yourself better.

3. Professional Insecurity

Insecurity occurs in relationships when it comes to professions as well. You might get insecure about the work you do, and might compare your job to your partner’s.

Insecurity also makes you feel jealous of your partner getting a promotion or when they are much happier at their work than you.

Women especially feel guilty when they engage more in their careers and do not take care of their families. This can also make them feel doubtful and insecure about their professional choices and decisions.

4. Financial Insecurity

There are many instances where two people from different financial backgrounds start dating or get married. This can lead to financial insecurities and fights regarding the distribution of expenses.

It can also cause one to compare and feel jealous of the other as they don’t earn as much.

If you are from a weak financial background, your saving habits can affect the other person as well. They have to miss out on the fun just because you say no to them, and can hurt you both in the process.

Talking to each other and coming to a conclusion regarding financial management is the best way to deal with this issue.

5. Physical Insecurity

Physical insecurity is when you are not comfortable in your own skin. If you are somebody who has ever been body shamed, you might know how badly it impacts your confidence. It makes you feel like you aren’t enough and that you are unworthy of love.

Physical insecurity happens in relationships when you think you don’t look good enough for your partner.

You are ashamed of your skin, the scars, stretch marks, body hair, and anything that is deemed unattractive by society. It is followed by constantly worrying about your appearance and if your partner finds you attractive.

6. Social Insecurity

So many of us do certain things not because we like it, but just to get society’s validation. This makes social insecurity one of the most common types of insecurities that we face.

We have this pressure to please society through life choices like jobs, studies, and relationships.

You get insecure about your choice of partner, and how you present your relationship in front of others.

Another insecurity is when it comes to pleasing the family of your partner. You find yourself constantly worried about what they think of you.

How to Deal with Insecurities in Relationships?

Acknowledging that you are insecure about something is the biggest step you can take toward dealing with it.

Let us see what other steps follow so that you can feel more secure and confident in your relationship.

1. Find out what started it

The first thing to do to solve an issue is to find out how it started.

Journal or think about childhood events or those from the recent past that might have made you really insecure.

It can be anything from a comment that you read online or a remark from a teacher that has let you down. Learn to detach from the past and see the difference for yourself.

2. Work on your Self Esteem

Improving your self-esteem is one, and the best way to deal with insecurities in relationships.

Repeat some positive affirmations every day. Take yourself out on a date, start working out, or purchase something that might make you look and feel better.

3. Stop Taking Things Personally

Overthinking is one way to foster insecurities. It leads to comparisons and can make you feel that you are not good enough.

Overthinking may make you think that your partner is doing certain things to hurt you personally. Take time to think from your partner’s point of view as well.

For example, if they do not want to talk to you after work, it might mean that they are probably tired. It doesn’t always have something to do with you

Get Help from Experts at Wownow

Wownow lends you a helping hand if you are struggling with insecurities in your relationship. Our team of professionally trained counselors is available to help you become more confident with your partner. Contact us to get access to our services today.

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