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Manage Depression With These Effective Solutions

Living with depression is hard. It can take a toll on your personal and professional lives and can even be fatal. The good news is that it can be treated through various ways, or at least be managed to a certain level. They include creating a self care routine, taking medications, or availing of  depression counselling.

Let us go into each of these, so that you can identify which option can help you rekindle the love that you had for living.

Self Care When You are Depressed

When you are someone who faces depression, caring for yourself can become a very difficult task. Such people may not have the energy to even perform the most basic activities like getting out of bed or taking a shower.

You lack the energy and motivation that you normally used to have.

But there are a few things that you can do for yourself to promote healthy functioning of your brain and create new neural pathways.

1. Be Kind to Yourself

The last thing that you want to do when you are in a depressed state of being is to talk to yourself in a negative way. It can harm your self esteem and can only make your condition even worse.

Be mindful of the words that you use when talking to yourself. Instead of focusing on what you need or lack, think of everything that you are grateful for.

Another way to be kind to yourself is to accept your feelings and understand that they are valid. If you find yourself spiralling down the negative thoughts cycle, it is better to choose a depression therapist who you can freely talk to.

2. Practice Being in the Present

Most negative thoughts arise from reminiscing what happened in the past or worrying about the future. If you are somebody frequently engages in such modes of thinking, the best thing to do is to practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness allows you to be present in the moment. It also helps you to be more comfortable with your thoughts and feelings and to understand yourself better.

You can practice mindful meditation or focus completely on a task like making a cup of tea to start being more mindful.

3. Prioritise Rest

Working hard continuously or hustling can be harmful to your mental health. If you are constantly exhausted, it can affect your productivity and also deteriorate your depression.

Take a break from work by sleeping, working out, reading a book, or eating something healthy.

4. Have a Morning Routine

One of the best ways to have a more satisfying day is by practicing a morning routine. Instead of going on your phone the first thing after waking up, plan a structured routine and follow it.

This will stop you from going back into the old cycle of detrimental habits. A fulfilling morning routine can include journaling your thoughts, reading a book for 15 to 20 minutes, meditating, watering plants, etc.

Take a break from reading online trolls or watching news that can lead you to think negative thoughts.

Innovation in Depression Treatment

While practicing self care can help you manage depression to a certain extent, there are much more innovative and effective mental health treatment solutions available.

Targeting BDNF and Glutamate

BDNF or brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a chemical in the brain. Decrease in the levels of BDNF can lead to lower levels of synaptic plasticity which can in turn lead to depression.

Apart from BDNF, glutamate is also another neurotransmitter that has received attention in depression treatment. The functioning of glutamate is vital in improving the neuroplasticity as it helps nerve cells communicate better with each other.

The most effective treatment that can help target glutamate system and BDNF is ketamine and psychedelics. These drugs are said to show a significant amount of improvement when compared to other modes of therapies in treating depression.

But it is also important to keep in mind the safety concerns and side effects of these drugs including hallucination and suicidal behaviour. Even though depression therapy does not offer quick results like medications, it is definitely an alternative that can help you manage your mental health better.

Is Therapy Effective in Treating Depression?

As mentioned above, such drugs and medications can cause serious side effects if not taken without prescription. Instead of visiting a rehab, you can consult a depression therapist online who can assist you in starting your journey towards healing it’s symptoms.

One reason why most people prefer online counselling is that you can be in the confines of your place and still get professional help. Online counselling also helps therapist understand you better by observing the environment around you unlike when in a rehab.

Also, there are no room rents or nurse fee when you choose a depression counsellor, therefore making it a more affordable option.

Depression Counselling Solutions in Mumbai

If you are someone who struggles with depression, you are not alone. More than 80% of patients respond immediately to depression treatment like therapy and feel better even without the intake of medicines.

Wownow is a depression counselling centre in Mumbai that provides you all the needed care and attention. You get access to the expertise of counsellors and psychiatrists who are empathic and kind enough to help you deal with depressive feelings.

They are experienced and have the required skills and knowledge to teach you how to cope with depression. Our team of depression counselling psychiatrists also provide online therapy where you can sit in the comfort of your home and seek help from professionals.

All you have to do is open up and share everything on your mind with the depression therapist. They will understand your needs and prescribe a routine or treatment that you can follow. Notice any changes in your mental health once you follow the treatment and discuss them with the therapist in your next visit.

Contact Wownow depression counselling centre to learn more about our services.

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