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What are the Best Solutions to the Most Common Relationship Issues?

Not all relationships are free of fights and disagreements. You will at least have silly arguments with your partner at some point in time.

But some couples constantly tear each other down to a point that they feel life would have been easier without this relationship. That is when they realize that they are in a toxic one.

You might feel mentally exhausted and unhappy when you are with your partner. You will also find it better to be alone than to spend time with them.

Consulting a relationship therapist will be the best solution if you think that things are going out of hand with your relationship.

A relationship consultant guides you to the next step and provides you with suggestions to maintain a healthy relationship if you wish to continue it.

Signs That You Are In A Toxic Relationship

Red flags in a relationship can be subtle or easy to notice. Regardless of how visibly your partner expresses these, these are a few signs of toxicity to keep in mind.

1. Toxic ways of communicating with each other

In a relationship, you and your partner expect each other to be kind and respectful toward one another.  But when it starts involving conversations that are too sarcastic and contemptuous, you can say that it is turning toxic.

Making fun of your partner’s appearance, and the way they dress, speak, or do certain things will not be appreciated by them. Mocking them or talking behind their back are also signs of toxicity.

2. Jealousy

Jealousy is another common red flag in a relationship. Being jealous of your partner’s achievements or treating them with doubt and suspicion are common patterns of jealousy.

They will start being uncomfortable around you and can finally lead to damage to your relationship.

3. Stress

A relationship is supposed to make you feel emotionally safe and connected. You should be supportive of each other and you should feel motivated to do things when you are with them.

But if a relationship turns out to be stressful, it is a major indicator that you are in a toxic one. The stress that your partner is putting on you can affect you at both personal and professional levels.

If you find your relationship making you feel stressed, the best thing to do would be to consult a relationship therapist.

4. Competition

As mentioned, two people in a relationship are supposed to be supportive in achieving things in life. It is okay if they don’t approve of every single thing that you do.

But it is high time to discuss with your partner if they see you as a competition.

They may constantly stop you from achieving things because it makes them feel inferior.

 An example of competitive behavior in relationships is when somebody doesn’t want his or her partner to earn more than them.

5. Being dishonest

Honesty is required in any form of relationship. A relationship is said to be a failure when the trust between two people is broken.

When you constantly lie to each other about certain things, it can make you feel like you are not worth spending time with. It is also a form of disrespect when you keep forgetting things or when you lie about them.

If your partner constantly lies to you or hides things from you, it is time to see a relationship consultant to understand why this happens.

6. Resentment and Disrespect

Due to a lack of communication, you and your partner will hold on to grudges without letting them out. You may secretly hate each other and let the frustration and anger build, thereby damaging the relationship.

If you cannot even talk about it to your partner safely, it means that your relationship has turned toxic.

Going to a relationship therapist is the right way to deal with such situations.

7. Putting your needs aside

When you are in a toxic relationship, you start ignoring your needs. You try to please your partner by agreeing with whatever they say even though it clashes with what you want to do.

You know your partner will be angry and you try to avoid fights with them.

If you are being a pushover in your relationship, it means that you need to talk about it to your partner or get help from a relationship consultant.

Due to the stress that your partner gives you, you stop involving in your self-care habits and start neglecting your health.

Ways To Fix A Toxic Relationship

  • Accept your behavior

If you are the one who is being toxic in a relationship, the most important thing to do is to accept your mistake.

Come to terms with how you are treating your partner and apologize for your behavior. Try to see things from their perspective and work on improving your relationship.

  • Be more understanding

You and your partner need to be understanding if you wish to repair your toxic relationship.

Stop blaming each other and analyze the situation to fix it. Discuss with each other how you can solve a problem and come to better terms with one another.

  • Be willing to communicate

Both of you should be willing to spend time and communicate with each other to make the relationship better.

You should have deep and engaging conversations to help clear your perspective and understand each other better.

  • See a relationship consultant

If none of these tips seem to help you patch things with your partner, you will have to see a relationship consultant.

They will offer new ideas and strategies that will help you solve misunderstandings and other issues with your partner. A relationship therapist allows you to see things from a third person’s point of view offering you the most effective solutions.

Wownow is one such counseling centre in Mumbai that gets you in touch with a relationship consultant. Our couple therapist helps you lead a successful and joyous relationship.

Contact us to book an appointment with a relationship therapist to heal your broken relationship.

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