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What are Mood Swings and How to Get Rid of Them

Mood swings are conditions when there are rapid fluctuations in your mood. On one day you will be highly joyous whereas the next day you can feel sad or angry without any reason.

Such mood swings can also occur on a single day interfering with your daily activities.

It is advised to consider choosing mood swings treatment with the help of a therapist if such conditions affect your life to a great extent.

When and Why Choose Mood Swings Therapy

Light mood swings are common in everybody’s lives. One cannot be happy or sad all the time unless diagnosed with mental health conditions like depression.

But if you see that your mood changes are going on for a long period of time, it is time to seek the help of a therapist.

  • The right time to see a doctor is when you experience emotions that can lead to harming yourself when you feel suicidal or have thoughts on a similar line.
  • It is also advised to seek professional help if you are unable to complete daily chores like studying, going to work, or even going out with your friends.

If you experience such feelings, it is time to visit a counselor to get checked as they may be a sign of a more serious health condition.

Wownow is a counseling centre in Mumbai that offers mood swings treatment for people who are struggling with rapid mood changes.

A professional can help you better with their experience and expertise. They will be able to provide the most effective solutions through mood swings therapy to help you lead a normal life.

These are a few reasons why you should prefer mood swings treatment from a counselling centre Mumbai like Wownow.

Reasons Why You Experience Mood Swings

Mood swings are often said to be signs of something more serious.

  • They may be due to mental health issues like personality disorders and depression.
  • Mood swings are also commonly observed in women due to hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy.
  • If you are somebody who frequently uses drugs or alcohol, you may experience addiction which can lead to mood swings.

Wownow also offers therapy for addiction to help you deal with substance use disorders.

  • Stress is another reason why you experience rapid mood changes. Students and people who work stressful jobs can experience severe mood swings due to the stress that their work causes.
  • Changes in your lifestyle like diet or sleeping habits can also explain the fluctuations in your mood during certain times of the day.

If you have recently started taking medications, you may see a pattern of changes in your moods.

Giving yourself time to get used to such lifestyle changes is the first step towards alleviating such mood swings.

If you still do not find it easy to regulate your mood, it is better to consult a doctor who specializes in mood swings therapy.

Tips To Treat Mood Swings

Mood swings can hinder your daily chores and damage even the closest relationships. Therefore, it is necessary to get them treated by bringing about positive changes in your lifestyle.

Given below are a few ways that you can try out on your own to deal with changes in your mood.

1. Create a routine

Mood swings may occur due to a lack of discipline and organization in your life. The best thing to do is to practice discipline by keeping a schedule.

Start with preparing a to-do list for the next day before going to sleep. You can create similar routines and list for other things like diet as well.

2. Improve your sleep schedule

Lack of sleep can bring about changes in your mood.

Going to bed late and waking up late can make you feel grumpy and restless throughout the day. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good night’s sleep and practice healthy sleeping habits.

3. Start Working out regularly

Working out regularly is said to have positive effects on your brain and is helpful in treating almost all mental health conditions.

Walking or hoping onto a treadmill and spending 20 to 30 minutes on it every day is enough to see positive changes in your moods.

4. Engage in mindfulness practices

Practicing calming habits like meditation and yoga is great to see a significant improvement in your mood. You can also try expressing yourself through creative outlets like drawing, dancing, journaling, etc.

Spend some time alone engaging in introspection, or talk to a friend or family member to seek help.

Apart from these lifestyle changes, you can try getting mood swings treatment from a counselling centre in Mumbai.

Get Mood Swings Treatment At Wow Now Counselling Centre

Wownow is a counseling centre in Mumbai that offers psychiatric counselling services for mood swings.

The psychiatrists at Wownow are qualified professionals who are trained to deal with your situation.

They work closely with the clients to understand what they are going through and identify the root cause of the issue.

Not only do they help you deal with the problem, but also provide solutions to make your life easier in the future.

You do not have to worry about any sudden changes in your emotional conditions through the mood swings treatment that Wownow offers at affordable prices.

How To Start with Mood Swings Therapy at Wownow?

You just have to contact us to book an appointment for mood swings therapy through counseling sessions.

Our psychiatrists and therapists understand the reasons behind your mood changes and offer coping strategies through certain online conference tools.

We help you get familiar with different techniques and methods to identify the mood swing episode as you go through it. You learn to apply the methods and start dealing with your mood swings better through our mood swings therapy.

Our psychiatrists also learn about your medical history and perform an assessment to understand your lifestyle and other factors better.

We will also prescribe medications if required to help you get back on track to a healthy and happy life.

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